We envision the three invited creators as distinctly public figures who will be active and conspicuous throughout the city (particularly the Shelby Park neighborhood, where they will live). The creators will act as “artist-leaders” who will develop meaningful relationships with neighborhood residents and embody the LO’s conviction that music is a fundamental part of civic life.
Each creator will:
• Make Louisville their primary residence for 30-48 weeks of the year. The LO will give each creator the option to reapply/renew annually.
• Have access to LO musicians, staff, and Teddy Abrams as “sounding boards” and regular collaborators
• Create at least one large-scale orchestral work per year to form the basis of the LO’s annual Festival of American Music and other programs throughout the season.
• Create or direct at least one community-based project per year within one of the following:
o A large-scale outdoor public musical installation
o An education-based work for families and/or youth
o An orchestral work involving partnerships between the LO’s musicians and other performers of diverse genres/backgrounds
• Curate a portion of one program per year for the LO at Old Forester’s Paristown Hall.
• Participate in educational and outreach activities as part of the LO’s community engagement programming for audience members ranging from 5 to 75 years of age.
• Participate in public activities in the Shelby Park neighborhood and throughout Louisville, including presentations of their work, studio visits, open workshops with the LO, concerts, and other social events.
• Should they wish, each creator can receive private conducting training from LO music director Teddy Abrams.
We are searching for three creators with bold ideas about collaborating with an orchestra in the 21st century. Our ideal candidates:
• Have a distinctive, fully-realized creative voice with the technical capacity to achieve their vision.
• Are fluent in composing for orchestral forces (or be willing to collaborate with someone who is), though they need not necessarily come from a traditional Western Classical background.
• Are passionate about forging relationships with community organizations to advance music’s role in civic life.
• Care deeply about education, having experience in or being excited to work with local students and teachers on creative music-making programs.
• Be willing to engage with and be accessible to residents of the neighborhood where they will live (Shelby Park), participate in public events, and share their work.
We expect the first cohort to arrive in Louisville by August 2022.
Deadline 3 May 2022
Website louisvilleorchestra.org