Re:Natura #02 – Ratio

The natural world is full of patterns, shapes, symmetries, fractals and other repeating structures: Stunningly beautiful orchids, mesmerizing patterns on the Nautilus’ shell, branching of trees or the formation of dunes – all of nature’s manifold faces have not only been admired by poets and painters but also form a body of work to many naturalists and scientists.

Great observers and thinkers like Plato, Pythagoras, Johann Kepler, Alan Turing and Benoît Mandelbrot have described, analysed and studied symmetry, branching, spirals, chaos, waves, bubbles, tessellation and cracks.

While there are countless theories and interpretations, the “why?“ still perplex our minds, drawing us towards our spiritual side and the so-called sacred geometry.

In the second re:natura compilation, Ratio, we aim to present a diverse set of sonic interpretations on nature’s mathematics. Be it poetry , algorithms, sonification, euclidian rhythms or fractal music – we look forward to your personal artistic approach.

Submission are due Sunday, May 29, 2022:
Please adhere to our submission notes!

After a subsequent review, a selection of 6-10 titles will be compiled and published on our Bandcamp website.
The compilation is curated by our label – the selection will be made based on formal requirements as well as artistic quality and harmony with our self-image.

The entire proceeds of the compilation will go to the biodiversity program of Friends Of The Earth Germany.

re:natura is a non-profit artist collective, music label and experimental laboratory with a clear, shared vision.


Deadline 29 May 2022



April 24


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