Ensemble Lemniscate
Ensemble Lemniscate
Sunday, 5 July 2020
Ensemble Lemniscate (Switzerland)
Conductor: Daniel Moreira
The program:
Erik OÑA (1961 – 2019)
Das Gold des Rheins (Russian Premiere, 2012)
for piano, cello and video
Cathy VAN ECK (*1979)
Wings (Russian Premiere, 2007-08)
for big white shields, three microphones, one loudspeaker and three performers
Eric WUBBELS (*1980)
Tautology & Translation (Russian Premiere, 2011-12)
for clarinet, cello, piano and percussion
Yuri KASPAROV (*1955)
Four retro style graphic drawings (Premiere, 2020)
for string trio
Anton LINDSTRÖM (*1999)
Gabriel’s Epitaph (Premiere, 2020)
for septet
Tatiana Timonina, flutes
Azra Ramic, clarinets
Miao Zhao, clarinets
Andreas Kunz, violin
Sophie Wahlmüller, viola
Ellen Fallowfield, cello
Gilles Grimaître, piano
Miguel Ángel García Martín, percussions
Andreas Eduardo Frank, electronics
Thursday, 9 July 2020
Ensemble Lemniscate (Switzerland)
Conductor: Daniel Moreira
The program:
Daria ZVEZDINA (*1990)
don’t forget to feed your beasties twice a day (Premiere, 2020)
for violin, cello, piano and percussion
Thomas KESSLER (*1937)
piano control (Russian Premiere, 1974)
for piano and synthersizers / electronics
Katharina ROSENBERGER (*1971)
approximations (Premiere, 2020)
for ensemble and live-electronics
Dmitri KOURLIANDSKI (*1976)
dasein i & II (Russian Premiere, 2018)
for ensemble and tape
Michael BEIL (*1963)
Exit to Enter (Russian Premiere, 2013)
for ensemble, electronics and video
Tatiana Timonina, flutes
Azra Ramic, clarinets
Miao Zhao, clarinets
Andreas Kunz, violin
Sophie Wahlmüller, viola
Ellen Fallowfield, cello
Gilles Grimaître, piano
Miguel Ángel García Martín, percussions
Andreas Eduardo Frank, electronics

Ensemble Lemniscate is a group of international soloists deeply engaged with the music of our time. Since it’s foundation in 2012, the Basel based Ensemble has kept it’s ears and eyes close to the present and has been developing a strong dialogue with the young new music scene. The conductor and member of the ensemble, Daniel Moreira, is a young composer who studied composition and music theory at Hohschule für und Theater in Hamburg and Musikhichschule in Stuttgart as well as in USA and Brazil under several teachers among which are Marco Stroppa and Manfred Stahnke. As a conductor, he participated in many projects (Contemporaneo-RS and die Lange Nacht der Neuen Werke, Hamburg).
The ensemble’s repertoire includes works by the most significant composers of our time, including Georgy Dorokhov, Alexander Khubeev, Dmitry Kourliandski, Marc Andre, Carola Baukholt, Peter Ablinger, Beat Furrer, Simon Steen-Andersen, Gerard Zinsstag (piece was commissioned by the ensemble) and others.
The ensemble not only helps composers with performing their pieces, but also works to strengthen ties between fellow performers. Since 2016, Lemniscate has been working on the Swingers Club project, in which ensembles exchange repertoires and commissions. The aim of the project is to expand the cultural exchange between performers, cities, music and curatorial practices.
We believe that the music created today and how it is presented cannot be detached from our contemporary life. With the philosophy of realizing bold, challenging projects the ensemble aims to broaden the appreciation of contemporary music both in Switzerland and abroad.