Organum Novum is a new platform for the realization of different projects in the field of contemporary organ music with the aim of introducing organ music to a wider audience. While it is often seen as a historical instrument, the organ is at the same time viewed as a kind of test instrument for innovation in European music in the 20th and 21st centuries. Organum Novum introduces to audiences the newest compositions showcasing the organ not only as a solo instrument but also in combination with live electronic music, multimedia technologies, and other musical instruments.
This project has three principal missions: a creative mission, an educational mission, and a socio-cultural mission.
By awakening in composers and performers an interest in such a unique instrument, by creating the right conditions for the productive, creative process and innovative activities, and by supporting the inaugural works of young composers, the Organum Novum project is generating a momentum that is producing outstanding premieres in the field of new music in Russia, and is broadening opportunities to realize innovative concepts in art development.
By introducing to audiences new genres and new trends in the field of contemporary art, Organum Novum is putting forward new ways of communication between the musicians and the audience with the help of interactive cultural dialogues and by using alternative forms of interaction (such as various media technologies and interactive technologies).
The project provides an opportunity to learn more about the extended organ techniques, as well as the latest developments in organ music, and to compare them by interacting with mass media and those art critics who focus on contemporary musical genres. A similar opportunity is provided by the project’s educational mission (through lectures, masterclasses, and workshops). The educational program will give different musicians, composers, critics, and other specialists a chance to share their experience and upgrade their skills in the field of contemporary sound art.
Another mission of this project is to increase the number of citizens and structures involved in the process of building a unified cultural space in Saint Petersburg. Being closely associated with many historical, religious, and spiritual traditions of world culture, Saint Petersburg is one of the biggest cities in Europe that has such an abundance of churches, organ spaces, and concert halls – and this in itself is a good reason for undertaking such a project. The main partners for concert organizations are the Saint Catherine Church (Vasilievsky Island), Saint Mary’s Finnish Church (Finnish Lutheran Cathedral), Petrekirche (German Lutheran Cathedral of St. Anne and St. Peter) and the Mariinsky Theatre.
Organum Novum is an innovative project in Russia. We will do this by integrating Russia’s participation in the international cultural process through initiating and promoting innovation, and by adopting the experience of foreign organizations in accomplishing different tasks in the area of international contemporary culture.

Michael Pelzel

Roman Perucki