Flowing into our devices en masse like the Amazon River, the past months have seen livestreams allowing us to dive into a perfectly mixed virtual world of sound, enjoyed ideally with hi-fi headphones. Why should anyone attend a live concert today? What can people experience in a real space that is impossible in the virtual one?

What if a piece of music was dependent on the people for whom it was played? What if it sounded different, depending on who is listening and in what mood they are right now? Is it possible to compose something like that? At what point in the creative process should the audience be involved?

For Protonwerk No.12 we’re looking for compositional and/or performance concepts that rethink the role of people traditionally called “listeners”. They should become an essential part of the performance, the concert becoming a real, communal event for players and listeners.

Purely analogue concepts will be preferred. Digital resources can be integrated if the composer prepares and provides all required materials.
Concert venue: can be selected from three spaces at the Dampfzentrale in Bern: foyer, Kesselhaus (variable open space), Turbinensaal (tiered seating).

General Conditions
-Not older than 35 years by the time of the application
-Completed undergraduate studies
If possible, we will award around half of the commissions to composers of Swiss nationality of who live in Switzerland

Instrumentation of the commissions: 8 musicians, (fl, ob, cl, bs, hp, pn, vl, vcl), Documentation of possible instruments
Duration of 10 minutes
Obligatory participation in the Protonwerk-workshop in late 2022 (in special cases via Skype etc.)
Fee of 2000 Swiss Francs, no further expenses covered


Deadline 30 November 2021



November 30


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