1. The competition of acousmatic composition is open to composers of any nationality, age and gender. The competition is divided in two categories: A professional and B student.
2. Only acousmatic work in stereo or multichannel (up to 10 channels) are accepted. There is no duration limit.
3. For Category A, Professional: the entry fee is 12€ (donnate with PayPal by clicking on the link on the application form). Indicate the title of your piece in the text zone « add comment » on PayPal. The registration will not be taken into account if the payment is delayed or has not been done.
4. For Category B, Student: the entry fee is 6€ (donnate with PayPal by clicking on the link on the application form). A copy of student id must be sent with their audio file. Indicate the title of your piece in the text zone « add comment » on PayPal. The registration will not be taken into account if the payment is delayed or has not been done.
5. Submitted works must not have been edited for commercial purpose and must have been composed during the 2 years preceding the call closure date.
6. The participants have to complete the application form on the web page in the provided order (Payment – Application Form – Uploads).
7. Each candidate can submit as many works as desired, but must re-make a full application (Payment – Application Form – Uploads) for each submitted work.
8. Each uploaded file should only be named with the title of the work and then placed in a folder named with the category entered (A or B) then the channel total number followed by title of the piece (eg: A_8_title).
9. Admissible formats: .aiff, .wav., 24bit and 48kHz. Multichannel pieces must be submitted: 1) one interleaved audio file, 2) a stereoversion (named as: title_stereo_version), 3) a pdf (or jpeg…) file showing the location of speakers and channel numbering (we will attempt to reproduce it to its best with our acousmonium), all submitted together in a folder named with the category entered (A or B) then the total channel number followed by title of the piece (eg: A_8_title). If the files are more than 2Gb, the additional wetransfer charges will be borne by the candidate.
10. The name of the composer(s) must not appear on any submitted files (.pdf, audio etc.).
11. KLANG!’s prize holder cannot candidate again to this prize for 4 years (from the year of the held prize).
12. The deadline for submission is the 28th of February 2023 before 0.00 (GMT+2). The selected works will be announced during our festival : 31st of May – 4th of June 2023.
Category A
First prize:A concert « carte blanche »/ »portrait » concert at the KLANG! festival. The selected work will be also played in France and across Europe during a concert series organised by our partners: Musiques & Recherches (Bruxelles), BEAST (Birmingham), Festival Manca (Nice), Le Scrime (Bordeaux), etc.
Second prize: The selected work will be played during the KLANG! électroacoustique festival by maison des arts sonores on the KLANG acousmonium.
Category B (one prize)
The selected work will be played during a KLANG acousmonium special student concert.
The jury consists of internationally renowned composers (to be anounced soon).
Deadline 28 February 2023
Website klangacousmonium.wordpress.com