Cambridge Chamber Singers Composition Competition

Submission Criteria

  1. Original composition for a cappella, 4-6 part mixed choir, occasional divisi is acceptable;
  2. Approximately three to six minutes long;
  3. Not previously performed in Massachusetts;
  4. Anonymous submission required:
    1. Remove all names and identifying marks from scores and recordings
      The judging panel will only see scores and recordings, all other information will remain hidden.
    2. Submit a legible score. In addition, recordings or synthesized versions are strongly encouraged but are not required;
  5. A maximum of two different scores may be submitted by each composer;
  6. If the text is not public domain, include written permission to use it;
  7. You must electronically submit your piece using this form. Sibelius, Finale and other formats will not be accepted. Attachments larger than 10MB are blocked, so use a file transfer service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, SendStuffNow or WeTransfer, for larger audio files.
  8. The deadline for the 2021-2022 competition is January 31, 2022.

The prize for the winning composition is $700. The piece will also be performed by the Cambridge Chamber Singers at two concerts in the Boston area. CCS encourages the composer’s attendance.

The Cambridge Chamber Singers reserves the right to not award a prize.

There are no restrictions according to age or residency. The text may be in any language. A composer may submit no more than two pieces, but composers are welcome to resubmit non-winning works again.

Composers will receive an e-mail confirming their completed application at the close of the competition. Before that time, composers will only be contacted if their submission is incomplete.

For further information, email


Deadline 31 January 2022



January 31


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