7th Ruth Inglefield Composition Contest

7th Ruth Inglefield Composition Contest
Rules & Procedures
The work for solo pedal harp must be unpublished, un-awarded and not have been recorded for commercial distribution.

Though the composition is for solo pedal harp, other instruments may be included if played by the harpist.
The work must be between six and eight minutes in duration.
The contest is open to composers of all nationalities.
Previous winners are not eligible.
A distinguished panel of harpists including one composer will select the winning composition. The decisions of the jury are final.

Important Dates:
January 15, 2021: Online application live on usaihc.org
October 1, 2021: deadline to submit your application

Online application form
One PDF of anonymous 8.5” x 11” score (0.5″ margins) sent as an attachment to an email addressed to harp.RICC@gmail.com. Please include the TITLE ONLY on the attachment; however, include both the title and the composer’s name in the body of the email message. The score should not show the name of the composer anywhere. Please note that the jury will refer to scores by title only. Program notes are acceptable, as long as they do not include clues to the identity of the composer and are included in the same PDF as the score, not sent separately. The PDF should be “camera-ready” – meaning publishable quality. Immediately after the announcement of the winning composition, the winner will be asked to send an identical PDF with the composer’s name added. This PDF will be used for printing by the publisher.

November 1, 2021: deadline to submit your MP3 recording

MP3 recording of submitted work played by a harpist sent as an attachment to an email to harp.RICC@gmail.com Please include the TITLE ONLY on the attachment; however, include the title, the composer’s name, and the name of the recorded harpist in the body of the email message. The MP3 file should not show the name of the composer or harpist anywhere. Digital or Midi recordings will NOT be accepted. Scores submitted without a recording will NOT be considered.
December 15, 2021:

Winning composition announced on www.usaihc.org.
Submissions which are incomplete or do not follow the exact guidelines and parameters described here will be disqualified.

Prizes for Winning Composition Include:
$2,000 USD
Inclusion in 12th USA International Harp Competition’s Stage 3 required repertoire – performances by all semi-finalists in 2022 Competition.
Performance by 2022 Gold Medalist at debut concerts.
Score published by Lyon & Healy Publications.

Questions? Please check the Frequently Asked Questions section first. Questions not answered there should be addressed to Sonja Inglefield, USAIHC Ruth Inglefield Composition Contest Director at director.RICC@gmail.com.
Recommended resource for information on notation, effects, etc: Writing for the Pedal Harp by Ruth K. Inglefield and Lou Anne Neill, second edition published by Vanderbilt Music (www.vanderbiltmusic.com).

Note: Royalties go to the USAIHC to support the competition.


Deadline 1 October 2021

Website usaihc.org


October 1


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