Сomposition Masterclass – Marco Momi and Collettivo_21

14-18 July 2021
Montaldeo, Italy

The masterclass

The Composition masterclass is addressed to all composers who wish to present their works and who wish to discuss with Marco Momi topics ranging from compositional techniques to reflections on contemporary writing.
During the days of the courses there will be meetings dedicated to listening to and discussing the presented
works, a moment in which Marco Momi will talk about his own production and there will be many convivial and informal moments in which to talk about the topics that emerge from the meetings in an atmosphere of sharing and mutual listening.

Marco Momi will also curate the moments of work with the Collettivo_21 ensemble, proposing reflections on how to interact with the musicians and how to optimise rehearsal time.
The ensemble Collettivo_21 will be present as an ensemble in residence, and will accompany Marco Momi’s lessons (from July 15th to the 18th) to perform the pieces presented during the masterclass. The pieces will be performed and recorded during the final concert of the masterclass, as part of the newborn Foresty Festival.

Ensemble members:
– Flute (also G flute and piccolo)
-Guitar (also electric guitar)

The course
Attendance fee as an active student is €350 (€300 with early bird registration); free access for auditors. The cost includes tuition and the opportunity to attend all lectures and/or seminars held during the course.
Lessons start on 14/07/2021 and end on 18/07/2021 (total no. 5 days). Lesson schedules will be communicated at the beginning of the course; study spaces will be available and will be self-managed by the students; the use of the main rooms for rehearsals and study will be coordinated with the ongoing activities.
At the end of the experience, certificates of participation authenticated by the teacher and the organisation will be handed out. The course will be held in English , Italian and/or French.

May 14


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