Composers of any age and nationality, are encouraged to submit works for any combination of the following instrumentation, ranging from solo to the whole orchestra:
String orchestra (
[6 Violin I / 6 Violin II / 4 Viola / 4 Cello / 2 Double-bass]
There is no style restriction; we consider the quality of imagination and musical invention.
Any composer is eligible, regardless of age and nationality. Each work must not be longer than 10 minutes. There is no minimum duration. The submitted pieces can be already performed but not previously published.
I: 1.000 EUR + publication of the piece by Impronta-Edition + performance
II: 500 EUR + publication of the piece by Impronta-Edition + performance
III: publication of the piece by Impronta-Edition + performance
The winning works will be performed during the 2021/22 concert season of Impronta. The Publication on Impronta-Edition is voluntary for the composer.
Submission Guidelines:
There is an entry fee of 55 EUR for the first work. Additional entries may be submitted for 25 EUR each. Each composer can submit up to 5 works.
All submissions must be sent and fees paid within 23:59, Berlin time, of 15th January 2021. Entries and payments received after this date will not be considered. The winning works will be announced latest by 15th February 2021. The decision of the jury is final and the entry fee is non refundable. The results will be announced on our website and across our social media platforms as well as in private e-mails.
The winning composer must provide the parts latest by 15th March 2021.
Sidney Corbett, composer, Professor of Composition at the University of Performing Arts Mannheim, chairman of the jury (USA)
Alessio Elia, composer (Italy)
Andreas Luca Beraldo, principal conductor and founder of Impronta Ensemble and of Impronta Edition (GERMANY)
Jeanne Vogt, principal violin and co-founder of Impronta Ensemble and of Impronta Edition (FRANCE)
Deadline 15 January 2021