MAY 23 — JUNE 8, 2024


MAY 23 — JUNE 8, 2024


Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall

What's happening?

Saint Petersburg
May 23 to June 8, 2024
The annual major forum of new music under the direction of the artistic director and composer, Mehdi Hosseini will take place in Russia, – this being the 11th St. Petersburg International New Music Festival. The two-week festival will present to the public more than 60 events that will take place at the best music venues in St. Petersburg, such as the Mariinsky Theater, the New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, the Grand Hall of the Philharmonia, and other venues in the city.

Educational program

Online Classes & Offline learning
Two Weeks Course
The educational part of the festival includes lectures, presentations, roundtable discussions, workshops, reading sessions, and meet-the-artist events.
The festival will also include an educational component titled “Composition Courses”, which will be held for the sixth year in a row. During the festival, invited groups of musicians will perform course participants’ compositions.

Chinese Camber Opera

Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall
Chamber Opera “Rising From The Dead”
Russian Premiere of the Chinese opera “Rising From the Dead” by Chinese-Swiss composer Deqing Wen, adapted from writer Lu Xun’s work “Resurrection of the Skeleton”, revives a Chinese classic on the cycle of life and tells the story of the philosopher Zhuangzi, who is invited to visit the ruler of Chu State and has been on the road for many days.
23.05 / THURSDAY19:00Mariinsky Theater Concert Hall
Chamber Opera “Rising From The Dead”
Russian-Chinese Symphony Orchestra
24.05 / FRIDAY20:00Masterskaya M. K. Anikushina
Just Ensemble
25.05 / SATURDAY19:00St.Petersburg Sound Museum
Roundtable Discussion «New music and artificial intelligence»
Presenter: Svetlana Lavrova
20:30St.Petersburg Sound Museum
Multichannel Audio Concert Octophonium
26.05 / SUNDAY19:00Masterskaya M. K. Anikushina
Reheard Ensemble
27.05 / MONDAY20:00Catherine Assembly
St.Petersburg Improvisers Orchestra
28.05 / TUESDAY16:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Jean-Luc Hervé (France)
20:00Masterskaya M. K. Anikushina
Violin Solo: Mikhail Krutik
29.05 / WEDNESDAY16:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Olga Bochikhina (Russia)
19:00The Museum of Music (Sheremetev Palace)
Studio for New Music Ensemble
30.05 / THURSDAY19:00Masterskaya M. K. Anikushina
Concert performance of graphic notations “Graphic Sound”
31.05 / FRIDAY17:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Natacha Diels (USA)
20:00Masterskaya M. K. Anikushina
Saxophone Quartet «SeVer»
01.06 / SATURDAY18:00House of Composers
Piano duet: Mikhail Dubov and Mona Khaba
21:00Angleterre Cinema Lounge
Les Percussions de Strasbourg (France)
Timelessness by Thierry De Mey
02.06 / SUNDAY15:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Deqing Wen (China)
18:00New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater
Roundtable Discussion «Composer vs machine»
Presenter: Svetlana Lavrova
19:30New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater
Laboratory of Improvisational and Experimental Music
03.06 / MONDAY15:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Hèctor Parra (Spain)
20:00Catherine Assembly
Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (MCME)
04.06 / TUESDAY16:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Fernando Garnero (Argentina)
20:30St.Petersburg Sound Museum
Accordion Solo: Venedikt Peunov
05.06 / WEDNESDAY14:00Online
Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (MCME)
Reading sessions
Composer meet-and-greet: Emilio Guim (Ecuador/Switzerland)
18:30The Museum of Music (Sheremetev Palace)
Solo concert Dmitry Shubin. Claviphonics
06.06 / THURSDAY18:00New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater
Roundtable Discussion «New music and literary language»
Presenter: Svetlana Lavrova
19:30New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater
Vacuum Quartet
07.06 / FRIDAY16:00Online
Composer meet-and-greet: Dmitri Kourliandski (Russia)
20:00New Holland
St.Petersburg Improvisers Orchestra
08.06 / SATURDAY20:00Grand Hall of the St. Petersburg State Philharmonia
Ensemble Répons
Мехди Хоссейни

Mehdi Hosseini

Composer, Artistic Director of the St. Petersburg
International New Music Festival

The Festival has now for over a decade offered extraordinary open performance platforms for a new generation of composers and musicians from around the world. Additionally,  it has also provides a space for cultural dialogue and discourse in which new ideas and unexpected paths to contemporary art are born.

During the 11 years of its existence, our Festival has become a central point on the map of new music, not only in Russia, but throughout the world, – a festival that presents listeners annually with the widest varieties of new music.

The festival’s multiple events will also include an interactive audio exhibit that shows how new music can connect with the phenomena around us, – with the objects and sounds we encounter and interact with every day. The expansion of the festival was largely made possible thanks to the enormous success of our interactive educational programs, in which young talented performers and composers collaborated in a creative exchange as teachers and learners. Through the Lab, they find their own voice, create meaningful compositions, and enrich their musical experiences.


Studio for New Music

Studio for New Music

Ensemble Répons

Répons Ensemble

Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (MCME)

Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble

Russian-Chinese Symphony Orchestra

Russian-Chinese Symphony Orchestra

Saxophone Quartet SeVeR

Saxophone Quartet SeVeR’

Vacuum Quartet

Vacuum Quartet

St. Petersburg Improvisation Orchestra

St. Petersburg Improvisation Orchestra

Mikhail Dubov

Mikhail Dubov

Mona Khaba

Mona Khaba

Vladislav Pesin

Vladislav Pesin

Just Ensemble

Just Ensemble

Mikhail Krutik

Mikhail Krutik

Reheard Ensemble

Ensemble Reheard

Dmitry Shubin

Dmitry Shubin

Venedikt Peunov

Venedikt Peunov



Each year the festival invites prominent people to drive debate on new music topics. Lectures are important event on the festival’s calendar, and encourages people to enter into dialogue – often about difficult subjects – in order to address the challenges we face today.


The project offers the opportunity to look at new music through the eyes of the music’s authors and to hold a discussion with them – not only about the internal musical structures and compositional tools of their works, but about the very process of composing itself.


Music Talks are exploring music will centre on what is «new» in art music, and what means can be used to attain it. What characterises the language of now, and how far can we say that what is generally perceived as «new» is in fact new?


Conduct workshops and master classes in collaboration with practicing composers, musicians and artists.


Oscar Bianchi:
«For me Russia is still a big mystery»

In his interview with the composer Oscar Bianchi spoke about the music piece Aqba, nel soffio tuo dolce, which performed by Les Percussions de Strasbourg, the children’s perception of his works, and what problems he sees in the field of Russian contemporary music.

Joanna Bailie:
«Photographs form the basis for many of my works»

In an interview with, composer Joanna Bailie answered questions concerning her participation as a teacher in the Online Сomposition Courses and also talked about her love of jazz and working on short films.